Our History

Two Paths, One Purpose

In April 2024, Palmetto Baptist Church and Welcome Baptist Church voted to unify their congregations into one Body. And as of July 2024, these united congregations and leadership now physically meet together at the historical Welcome Baptist Campus under the name of Palmetto Baptist Church. Welcome Baptist Church was founded in 1875 and built their current facility in 1960. The year 2025 would mark their 150th anniversary. At each congregation’s inception, neither church anticipated this path. But God has been guiding each congregation and led them to this point. Decade-long prayers from each congregation have been answered. One church with prayers for older, wiser mentors; another church with prayers for energized youth. One church praying for a building to minister in; another church praying for ministry in their building.

Better Together

Leadership from both congregations–now one congregation–share a whole-hearted conviction that God is blessing this unification. Though unifying is not an easy transition and renovations are still underway, we are so energized and eager to see God work through our united congregation in the Welcome community for the sake of the Gospel. The guiding passion in this unification is not ministry preservation but gospel advancement. We would not have embarked on this unification and embraced all the changes and sacrifices unless we believed that we could do more for the advancement of the Gospel together than we could do apart. We pray God is glorified as we seek to live for and live out the Gospel in this way.

We pray for Gospel growth, and we covet your prayers. For those wondering what’s going on, we’d love to talk to you about what God is doing here. There is a unique story, an immense history, providential surprises and answers to prayer. But most importantly, the Gospel is at work. And we want everyone in this community to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have an opportunity to join in on the most amazing thing that God is doing in the world by the Gospel through the Church for His glory.

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