January 23 E-News

PBC   -  

Sunday, January 26

Sunday Morning Prayer | 9:00 AM

Worship Service | 9:30 AM – Click HERE for livestream.

We are continuing with our Stewardship series, where Bert Arrowood will discuss the common barriers that get in the way of giving.

Equip Hour |11:15 AM

Growth Group Classes

  • Teen Group (Garrett Martin)

  • College Group (Bert & Lauren Arrowood)

  • Young Adults (Jairo Villegas)

  • Young & Engaged Couples (Doug & Karen Abels and Kirk & Heidi Hensarling)

  • Families Class (Jonathan West)

    When Parents Feel Like Failures: How Jesus Quiets Our Distress

  • Spanish Class (Dan Aguilera and Mark Vowels)

  • Men’s Class (Wayne Moore)

    The Heart of Worship

  • Women’s Class (Teachers Rotate)

    The Heart of Worship

Equip Electives

  • Biblical Leadership (Ken Bixby)

  • Christian Living (Bruce Meyer & Alan Benson)

    Walking in Liberating Faith: How the Gospel Frees us. A study in Galatians

  • General Bible (Dusty Raines)

    Walking with Dr. Luke: A Study in the Gospel of Luke

A Look Ahead…

See all that’s happening at PBC over the next few weeks!


Stewardship Series (Week 2) – Bert Arrowood

Miracle Hill Renewal Ladies: Music & Testimonies

(Visit the Renewal for Women website to learn more)


Vision Sunday

Combined Equip:

Sanctity of Life Sunday—observed

Piedmont Women’s Center presentation

Baby Dedication




(Schedules and map also available at the Information Hub)

9:00 AM and 10:45 AM

*PBC 101 Begins (10:45 AM)

*PBC 101 is for those interested in learning more about PBC or wishing to pursue membership. Please register HERE to be added to the next class roster (not required, but helpful). Meets in Room 232 from Feb. 9 – Mar. 9

Mar 7-8 | Marriage Retreat – Invite someone you know!

Do you know a couple who would enjoy a weekend away at our marriage retreat? We encourage you to invite them! Simply forward this e-news to them for the link and other info, or have them call the church office (864-631-1043).

This retreat is for couples of ALL AGES! Registration deadline is JANUARY 31. Don’t wait until the last minute! We have scholarship funds available for those who need financial assistance to attend (please indicate on your registration form).

Need Counseling?

Our Care Ministry is designed to provide biblically-informed support to those who need help navigating difficult circumstances or struggles. Click here to request counseling.

Join the Choir!

If you’ve been on the fence about joining our choir, now’s a great time to get involved! Please reach out to Pastor Chuck Traylor with any questions, or you can simply come to practice on Sunday evenings at 5PM (2nd through 4th Sundays each month).

New Congregational Song

We recently introduced some new music in our worship service, and we want to give you an opportunity to become familiar with this beautiful hymn. Enjoy this lyric video as part of your personal or family worship time. We also have printed lead sheets (containing melody notes) available at the Information Hub.

Listen here – http://https://youtu.be/KF5knxzkCVw

January | Sanctity of Life Month

This month we’re collecting for the Piedmont Women’s Center, a Christian organization that provides resources and support for expecting moms in crisis.

You can drop off NEW ITEMS ONLY in the baby crib located in our foyer. Click HERE for a list of suggested items (no used donations please—new items must have tags).

You can also sign out a baby bottle to be filled with spare change. Please return them by February 2.



February 2 | Baby Dedication (DATE CHANGE)

We will have a baby dedication during the Worship Service on Sunday, February 2. If you would like to participate, please COMPLETE THIS FORM.

February 22 | Senior LIFE Group Friendship Luncheon

Sit down to a delicious meal and fellowship, and hear how several of our seniors met!

Where: Fellowship Hall

When: 12 PM (Sat, Feb 22)

Cost: $10/person

Deadline: Feb. 16

See Sue Fallin or Gloria Sperry to sign up and pay for the event.

Lost and Found—New Location in Balcony Stairwell

All lost and found items, including several water bottles, can now be found under the east balcony stairwell. Items are discarded at the end of each month.

Carolina Closet Ministry Opportunity: “A Bag From the Heart”

For those donating cake kits, Please return it to the church by the next T4M Meeting on February 2nd. Don’t forget to include a $10 Food Lion gift card for additional ingredients needed.

Kit items: 

Cake mix

Canned frosting

Sprinkles, heart decorations, etc.

$10 Food Lion gift card to buy eggs & oil

Heart Magnet (write your favorite “love” verse, and opt. message on the back)



Mark Your Calendars!

January 26 – Stewardship Series (Wk. 2)

January 26 – Renewal Ladies Visit

January 26 – Youth Parent Meeting

February 2 – Baby Dedication

February 2 – T4M Meeting

February 9 – Dual services begin

February 9 – PBC 101 Begins

All events can also be found on our Church Calendar.


Meal Trains help provide dinners to those recovering from surgery, serious illness, or recent birth. To view active Meal Trains, please visit the prayer list above.

Important: Anyone creating a Meal Train should forward the link to Kim Ahrens at the office.



Interested in church membership? Click here.

Click here if you’re interested in baptism.

Give online here.