Unashamed! The Gospel’s Power to Banish Guilt and Shame – Romans 1:15-17
All of us have experienced the crushing weight of guilt over the crippling burden of shame for something we did or something that was done to us. Shame and guilt kill our joy, ruin our relationships, and destroy our ability to live healthy and meaningful lives. So, when Paul declared that he was unashamed of the gospel – he immediately got everyone’s attention.
In a culture where honor and shame were common experiences, to find a way to break the power of guilt and remove shame was to give hope to desperate people. When Paul stated that he was unashamed, he pointed to the gospel as the reason for this freedom!
Join us as we look at Romans 1:16-17 to discover the gospel’s power to free us from guilt and banish the shame that so often cripples our lives and relationships.